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Healthy Energy Bars Recipe - Zulay Kitchen

Snack Smarter With These Healthy Energy Bars Recipe

I have something exciting to share with you today- homemade healthy energy bars that will blow your mind! Let me tell you that these energy bars were a huge hit when I made them. It was like seeing a wild party of pure snack happiness. With shock and pride, I watched as every last crumb was eaten!

You may wonder what makes these bars so unique. Well, it's all about finding the right mix of simple, healthy ingredients that work together to create a snack that tastes great and gives you energy. Forget about those bars you buy in stores full of unknown ingredients because, I swear, these homemade treats are better.

CALORIES: 150 calories per bar
SERVINGS: 10 bars


  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 100 grams oat flakes
  • 100 grams dried fruit (your choice)
  • 50 grams raisins
  • 2 tablespoons grated coconut
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Ingredients to use for making Healthy Energy Bars/

How to Make These Healthy Energy Bars?

Step 1: Get That Sweet Syrup Going

Start by tossing the brown sugar, honey, oil, and ground cinnamon into a non-stick pan. Heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the sugar is completely dissolved and everything is smooth and syrupy. This sweet syrup is the secret to the bars’ fantastic texture and flavor.

Step 2: Mix In the Good Stuff

Once your syrup is ready, it’s time to bring the rest of the ingredients into the party. Add in those oat flakes, dried fruit, raisins, and grated coconut. Stir until everything is perfectly coated and combined. This is where the magic happens – the syrup and the mix-ins come together to form a deliciously cohesive mixture.

A bowl full of mixed nuts to be use for making Healthy Energy Bars.

Step 3: Shape and Bake

Grab a baking sheet and line it with a silicone mat or parchment paper. Spread the mixture out in an even layer, pressing it down to form a nice, compact rectangle. This will help the bars hold their shape once baked. Pop the sheet into the oven preheated to 150°C (300°F) and bake for about 15 minutes. The bars should be golden and smell heavenly.

Step 4: Cool, Cut, and Enjoy

Once baked, remove the bars from the oven and let them cool on a wire rack. This step is crucial – it helps the bars firm up and makes them easier to cut. When they’re slightly warm, cut them into bars or squares. Then, dive in and enjoy the deliciousness!

Zulay's Expert Tips for the Perfect Energy Bars

Multiple Healthy Energy Bars with honey for snacks.
  • Customize to Your Liking: Feel free to mix in your favorite nuts, seeds, or even a sprinkle of dark chocolate chips. The possibilities are endless!
  • Store Smart: Keep your bars fresh by storing them in an airtight container. They’ll last for about a week at room temperature, or you can stash them in the fridge for longer.
  • Double Up: These bars are so good, you might want to make a double batch. They freeze beautifully, so you’ll have a stash ready for whenever you need a quick snack.

Zulay's Final Thoughts

You can enjoy these healthy energy bars as a whole, not just as a snack. They taste great, are simple to make, and are great anytime. These bars are great for when you're going to the gym, need a pick-me-up in the middle of the afternoon, or just want a tasty treat. Make these bars in the kitchen and enjoy a snack that is both tasty and good for you!

Thanks for coming along on this snack-tastic trip. Have a great snack until next time!

We Want to Hear From You!

Did you try making these energy bars? How did they turn out? Did you add any fun mix-ins or make any tasty tweaks? Drop us a comment below and share your thoughts – we’re eager to hear about your snack adventures!

Spread the Snack Love!

Know someone who could use a healthy, delicious snack upgrade? Share this recipe with your friends and family across social media. And don’t forget to tag @ZulayKitchen and use the hashtag #kitchenhappiness so we can see your awesome creations!

A pile of healthy Energy Bars on a table.

FAQs About Making These Healthy Energy Bars

Can I use different types of dried fruit?

Absolutely! Feel free to use any dried fruit you like. Apricots, figs, dates, and cranberries are all great options. Just chop them up if they’re in large pieces to ensure an even mix.

Can I substitute the brown sugar or honey?

Yes, you can substitute brown sugar with coconut sugar or maple sugar, and honey can be replaced with agave syrup or brown rice syrup. Keep in mind that this might slightly alter the flavor and texture of the bars.

Are these energy bars gluten-free?

The recipe as provided is gluten-free if you use certified gluten-free oats. Always check the labels on your ingredients to ensure they meet your dietary needs.

Can I add nuts or seeds to the recipe?

Definitely! Adding nuts like almonds, walnuts, or seeds like chia or flax can enhance the nutritional value and add extra crunch. Just fold them into the mixture before baking.

What if I don’t have a silicone mat or parchment paper?

If you don’t have a silicone mat or parchment paper, you can lightly grease your baking sheet to prevent the bars from sticking. Just be sure to keep an eye on them while baking to avoid burning.

How do I know when the bars are done baking?

The bars are done when they turn golden brown, and you can smell the delightful aroma wafting through your kitchen. They should be firm to the touch but not overly hard. Let them cool completely before cutting for the best texture.