Enjoy this tasty peach salad. Delicious, elegant and really refreshing!With very few ingredients and steps you will have ready an incredible salad that goes perfectly with everything. The peach br...
Corn salad! This classic and refreshing salad is ideal for summer, it's so delicious!In just 15 minutes you will have ready a salad that is not only tasty but also very easy to prepare and with in...
This pasta salad is very fresh, delicious and easy to prepare.I love to prepare this salad in spring and summer, for outdoor meals that don't require a lot of preparation or as a dinner idea when ...
Cucumber salad! For the good weather days we bring you a delicious and simple cucumber salad recipe, it is refreshing, easy to prepare and you will see how everyone will love it. This cucumber sal...
Strawberry Quinoa Salad Recipe! A healthy, delicious, refreshing, easy to prepare and gluten free lunch or dinner.This salad is based on strawberries, quinoa, cucumber, pistachios, feta cheese and...
Do you feel like eating a different and easy-to-prepare salad? Great! Here we share with you this fabulous French Potato Salad, very quick, with a unique flavor and texture! It's worth preparing i...